Hemel Rotary collected just over £17,500 from their 35 Static & Street events with the Santa Sleigh in 2023. Thanks to all those who gave us donations.
In January we will thank the representatives of the 25 local community groups and charities who help Hemel Rotary with their Santa Sleigh street by street routes. The following list of helpers each receive an equal share of the donations received, at an event held in Leverstock Green Cricket Club.
1st Bennetts End Scouts
4th Boxmoor Scouts
Adeyfield Free Church
Boxmoor Good Neighbours
Centre in the Park (HH Day Centre)
Connect Dacorum
Dacorum Mencap
Gaddesden Riding for the Disabled
Gade Valley School Association
Galley Hill Primary School PTA
Highfield Community Association
Hobletts Manor School PTA
Holy Trinity Church, Leverstock Green
Kings Langley Football Club
Liberty Tea Rooms
Manor Estate & Aspen Park Residents Assn
One Impossible Thing
Pixies Hill School PTA
Radio Dacorum
St John’s Boxmoor Church
St Mary’s, Apsley & St Benedict’s, Bennetts End
Sunnyside Rural Trust
The Repair Shed
Waterways Experiences &
Watford Lions
A second presentation of funds takes place in March when Hemel Rotary will then make donations (financed by the Static Collections) to about 25 other local charities.